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金圈奖简介:Mark keexel与泰坦安全集团和世邦魏理仕在110北瓦克


Mark Kexel, 北瓦克110号泰坦安保公司和世邦魏理仕的安保主管, was named BOMA/Chicago's 2020 Security Professional of the Year.

How did you get involved in the security industry? 

When I was in my late teens, I wanted to become a Police Officer. 当时我认为进入私人保安行业是一个很好的跳板. 然而,随着我越来越深入这个行业,我的关注点和路径发生了变化. 25 years later, I am glad I chose the path I did. 我在十大网赌靠谱网址平台市中心商业高层市场工作的第一天恰好是9月11日, 2001.

You served as the Chair of the Preparedness Committee. 这些年来委员会取得了哪些显著的成就?

加强和精简公私部门伙伴关系和沟通是我担任主席期间的主要重点. 我们建立了小组委员会,并利用BOMA/Chicago的影响力,取得了繁荣的发展.

When I look back at those projects, and then where we are today, our relationships and partnerships have truly become second-to-none. As an example, BOMA/Chicago, in partnership with other neighborhood associations, 现在在应急管理办公室(OEMC)联合行动中心(JOC)有一个专门的席位,我们可以在大型城市活动和紧急情况期间与所有城市部门面对面沟通,并向成员分享实时更新. 我很高兴看到委员会在艾琳·帕克斯和汤姆·亨克的领导下取得的持续成就和加强的伙伴关系.


I believe it is obvious to those on both sides of the table, public and private, 他们之间的团结使十大网赌靠谱网址平台作为一个整体变得更加强大.  Be it the Chicago Police Department (CPD), Chicago Fire Department (CFD), the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Secret Service, and many other departments, BOMA/Chicago has fostered a mutual-support structure with all.

在疫情期间,你将开设一座新大楼——北瓦克110号. 情况如何?采取了哪些措施来应对COVID?

Not only is 110 North Wacker the nicest office building in the city, it is also the most technologically advanced, especially when it comes to COVID response. As implemented at 150 North Riverside Plaza, building tenants at 110 North Wacker will likewise benefit from:

  • 对所有租户,访客,供应商和承包商进行被动热扫描. We are using a medical grade thermal station that is 99.9 percent reliable.
  • 目的地调度电梯,被编程限制在每个电梯室不超过4人,并补充编程以减少中间站点
  • Nanoseptic labels that are reusable, self-cleaning and microbial on all common door handles, including washrooms
  • 二级建筑空气过滤系统称为双极电离,可以中和和分解细菌和病毒细胞, along with other particulate matter including odorous gases, aerosols and other volatile organic compounds
  • Medical grade MERV-15 air filtration
  • 连接到递送码头的信使中心,在将所有入站包裹送到基地建筑之前对其进行消毒.
  • 增加清洁程序和能见度,特别是在交通繁忙的地区

With a new building comes a whole set of new procedures. 当涉及到租户交互时,您是否采取了不同的安全方法?

除了最先进的技术,我们还采取了更人性化的方法. 每个人都戴着面具,很难看到面部表情和露出微笑. 我们正在培训我们的会议和迎宾员,让他们面带微笑,让他们的眼睛皱起来,并使用欢迎的肢体语言,即使戴着面具,也能翻译成租户和访客. 我们还与我们的员工和供应商密切合作,了解如何在客户未能通过温度扫描的情况下尊重他们. 我们花了大量时间考虑和实施额外的流程,以保证我们员工的安全, and that includes higher standards for staff, training, procedures, and due diligence.

今年夏天,抢劫对中央商务区产生了重大影响. How did you prepare and how was your building impacted?

Over the years, BOMA/Chicago’s Preparedness Committee has developed a series of best practices and the best practice on civil disturbance is really spot on. Knowing your property lines, when you can ask people to move off your property, 理解风险和威胁是这个过程中要解决的一些关键问题. BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台会员可以利用我们与急救人员的密切联系, Notify Chicago, and most recently, the newly implemented Slack Communications channel.

Without any high end retail at 150 North Riverside Plaza, we were fortunately lower on the risk category, however, 我们的老板明确表示,窗户可以更换,但人不能. 我们使用了技术和摄像头来监视这处房产,并安排了不当班的执法人员在这里巡逻. 我们调动了所有人手,还密切关注十大网赌靠谱信誉平台媒体和社交媒体,以了解热点在哪里.

Let’s move on to a lighter topic – networking. What are some of your favorite BOMA/Chicago events?

I enjoy the TOBY and Gold Circle Gala the most. 这个活动是一个很好的方式来识别这些属性,特别是那些定位这些属性成为赢家的团队. We have so many beautiful properties in Chicago, nationally and internationally, but without the people they would not exist. 人民是让这一切发生的人,所以晚会是一个庆祝他们的绝佳机会.

I am not a good golfer, but I have always enjoyed the Golf Classic. I also look forward to the upcoming Annual Meeting, 因为这是了解组织正在发生什么的好方法.

I also tell everyone they need to be a part of the Preparedness Committee. I’ve been involved for 15 years. The committee offers networking and advocacy, 同时,每个人都可以把支持结构和教育带回他们的财产,以帮助保持安全.

What is the best advice you have ever received? 

You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room, 你只需要足够聪明,让自己周围都是比你聪明的人.

You have traveled a great deal, especially on your motorcycle. Tell us about some of your favorite trips.

Hands down my favorite trip was the “Rockies” trip.  The twisty mountain roads, repetitive changes in elevation, the scenery and wildlife of course, and the air…. Air with actual oxygen!

What do you do for fun when you are not working?

我喜欢和我的妻子和孩子一起去冒险,无论是3天的周末假期, camping, or even just to the movies or out for ice cream.  I do enjoy some alone time as well, specifically at my cabin in Montana, 但通常在独处的时候,我意识到我想念家人,渴望回家.